Wednesday, February 13, 2013

@StalkedByHacker Suspended the 6th time

Still believe Good Conquers evil. It's disturbing that vultures feast on the broken and weak but don't mistaken kindness for stupid. Look forward to the feast. Fuck off. God bless.

I came across the above quotation on my iPad and recall it being so much longer & was actually a response I had made (not what's above exactly) but much longer & descriptive. When I copied it to Blog about it on my iPad and opened the App up to paste it, of course, I got an error where I was unable to do so. Then it auto went to log into it as if I had never logged into it before to go to my blogspot. I had just finished transferring over info re: ALL the support tickets I have had to submit to Twitter because I just had to submit another one & wanted ALL info on my iPad & iPhone for reference to be the same. My twitter account @StalkedByHacker has been suspended 6 times which makes no sense. I understand the 1st time it happened because I had been Following to aggressively which once I read the VERY vague policies understood that's against their policies. But the next 5 times - I am clueless as to why. I do know that I have definitely experienced some very strange people which I guess is to be expected but will paste copies of the very interesting interactions I have had with Twitter world, the first Follower being an Elisabeth Aldo who had 0 Followers, 0 Following AND 0 tweets but the profile read "I will Fucken destroy you" period. A bit odd! Of course everything I have been subjected to with all of the Hacker's voodoo black magic tricks and since it took me at least 6 months to even be able to create an account because of continuing compromising by 'Sherman', of course I questioned if that was intended as a direct threat from my hacker or what. I got several odd Followers & obviously blocked them & it never failed when I did a search on a specific one, they no longer existed. I was always dissecting their profiles & taking note of the amount of tweets, followers & Following cuz it always seemed the account had just been created for whatever reason. But when you have been subjected to the HELL that the FBI, local police and Cybercrime unit are all aware of but have yet to help me crucify & bring justice to the 'network' that I believe has been behind ALL the crazy since Sherman 1st appeared on my Dell laptop in 4/2010 & remotely accessed me on EVERY cell & PC before I made the move from MD (where it occurred) to FL. Now when I say remote accessing, I am telling you SOMEONE was controlling what I could and could not to on my devices & controlled my mouse etc. believe me when I say this, YOU KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE NO CONTROL over a device using technology. Sherman made it a point to even go to the extreme of remote accessing & controlling my mouse at 2 different libraries that were an hour away from each other AND somehow knew to be waiting for me at my parents house when I logged into their PC & logged into their Verizon account on line so I could JUST accomplish what the police in MD told me I needed to do by reporting my hacker to, which he had managed to prevent that from happening on a brand new laptop I bought after the Sherman appearance on my Dell, 2 different libraries then at my parents house. It was beyond logical. Reality as it had once existed for me before the hacker is anything but REAL but those are the facts. I finally succeeded when I drove another hour farther from my parents to my son's house & his wife did it for me on her iPad. That's how I got introduced to Apple . From the time the police said that was my only option in April 2010, it wasn't until July 5, 2010 that my daughter-in-law succeeded to submitting what I thought was a crime of being stalked & someone intentionally making no secret that I no longer had the freedom to use technology that everyone just takes for granted. It didn't do any good except the 4th LG android that got replaced was no longer being remotely accessed shortly before my move to FL. New cell, another brand new PC and I made the mistake to think I was in the free & clear of ALL the torment that was nonstop up to the point of getting the FBI involved. But the Griefer at that point had decided to stay in cognito until the whopping CYBERterror that blindsided me again. The weird part is, I never really thought he just went away. I had a hunch that he was still lurking just waiting for the right time to prove to me I was powerless over a coward who stays in hiding physically who obviously is a very sick individual but kept telling myself I was being paranoid. Yep, strange things kept happening, kept buying new PCs, cells, printers because of corruption that continued to possess my technology. But as for twitter, time before last, I was unable to submit a support ticket on my iPad because of what I call Hacker BOGUS errors that I have grown so accustomed to but will never get over the fact that after 'Sherman' appeared a 2nd time on my most recent purchase - Apple MacBook Air that the FBI claims it must be someone I know & since no money has been stolen it should be up to the police, who I have gone to on 7 or 8 different occasions to only tell me they don't have the resources to stop this evil network from their despicable intrusive actions.
Back to Twitter... I had to have my sister submit to Twitter support. Last time, from all devices (I think it was the famous fictitious websites the hacker enjoys toying with me with) I could never receive a reply like the previous times with 3 different emails I included for them to respond to that I had used previously so finally used entirely new one that FINALLY got the reply notification & I was up and running again. This time same compromising - I was unable to input my UN @StalkedByHacker & in the phone number box I literally put 'what's the point' followed by my phone number and figured what the hell, might as well use the StalkedByHacker email I used previously and it actually submitted. No user name, phone number NOT, BUT received an acknowledgement reply to an entirely different email then what I gave them. Odd? Paranoid? It just doesn't make any sense. I have fallen prey to so many fictitious emails & websites that totally screwed me & don't know what to do. I have almost 7,000 followers, which is another odd thing, my account is 'suspended', can't use it, can't even pull it up through my other account @TheOnlyChristie; it just just says 'no such account' so how am I receiving email notifications of continuing Followers during this whole time as recent as an hour ago? This is where I can hope to get through to people the 'CRAZY' that I have lived going on 3 years now. Please ALWAYS shutdown, AFTER disabling Internet connection and unplug anything to the modem/router. As for the first quote above? I am more thorough to have written something so deep without giving it a proper title or where I used it at and WHY was it opened to such a confound statement just waiting for me to read?
I am tired. Hopefully tomorrow in a separate blog I can share the Elisabeth Profile that I believe is a direct threat intended to me by my hacker and the more then interesting ones that they claim they know who my hacker is...
God Bless. Peace Out.

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