Friday, February 15, 2013

1st Twitter Follower - Threat by Hacker

Check out how 'Elisabeth' has 0 Followers, 0 Tweets & Following 0 people. After all the torment my hacker has put me through, of course, I'm thinking the Profile statement was a direct threat from my Hacker, Sherman, because he had turned everything into like a game to him by not letting me create a Twitter account. I just kept being persistent then one day for whatever reason, after over 6 months of trying, when it seemed I had actually succeeded, @StalkedByHacker, seemed more then appropriate to create as my UN. Of course I didn't have a clue how Twitter worked & it took quite awhile to get the hang of it. Seems, as if, I continue to learn something new about it every day. All I knew, I believe it was my my iPhone that I had succeeded to being able to create the account on after creating another one by a name I had come up with when a tech from Best Buy in MD had trouble & took several times before being able to set up my very 1st iPad for me since the hacker had made it impossible for me to do from my parents house or my house. I recall the Tech stating she had never come across such strange behavior from an iPad and she was one who had mentioned to me that I would probably have to change my identity, including social security #, since at that point it was very obvious my identity had been stolen, of course, having no clue the hacker would be so persistent in following to FL, to a 3rd then 4th new address I had moved to since the 1st location of the hacker intrusion.

All I knew, I was finally going to - hopefully - be able to vent to the world about my stalking hacker. It couldn't hurt & I knew it was a big 'IF'. Yes, Sherman, my hacker definitely made it almost impossible for me to type the 140 characters I had so anxiously had been waiting to do for quite awhile. In fact, he made it very difficult for awhile and I would just submit whatever I had managed to type from either my iPad or iPhone even WITH all the typos & some tweets looking Chinese but as time went on & ALL the porn and very odd people (the Hacker being plenty of the UNs I came across) I have pretty much have been more free to use technology then I've been able to since 3/2010! The only problem I keep coming across is my passwords continuously getting changed by Hacker where I have to reset it, mostly to my FB & Twitter but I am still going through BS with my MacBook Air that I still am unable to use & have been dealing with that since I bought it 9/2011.

May not be able to use a PC but after much persistence had my iPads & iPhones replaced each a few times but had also been promised by Apple to get my MacBook Air replaced which hasn't happened yet. But thank God for Apple. otherwise. If it hadn't been for Apple I would never had been able to get the proof that I have managed to do so & I believe Sherman is always going to be lurking & stalking me but NOW in hiding until he can find another opportunity to try and do one of his voodoo black magic Cyber terror pounces when he thinks I am least expecting it...

Pic of my 1st Follower with my account @StalkedByHacker that I've managed to hold onto miraculously... Read the profile > a taste of 'Sherman's' terror...

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