7-11-14 I'm still in total disbelief about it. It doesn't even seem real now. Too crazy! Blocked a lot out. Have to reference to the notes I had kept so diligently at first (after my address was flashed up and down on my screen) but my hand got warn out... REALLY warn out. Surprised I didn't get carpel tunnel. It's hard looking back at the notes I have now. But need to - to write my book. I had even recorded his terrorism at one point (when my wrist had worn out from writing) all the manipulation he was doing on my cell phone (my first smart phone - LG ALLY) after he possessed my normal plain jane cell phone... coincidence? - looking back - who knows - the port holes got burnt out on the old cell but the changes (clock, text messaging format etc.) was told by VW that someone would have had to change the SIMS card & that wasn't possible... (Phone trapped or misinformed?) just like a new modem router I had replaced (cuz I was told the hacker got thru my modem/router) AND 15 min. after connecting a brand new laptop to the brand new modem/router, a big flash went off as if taking a picture of my computer system or something and the port holes burnt out in the modem/router that had just been replaced. Never got it replaced after and bought my first smart phone. That's when the nightmare truly began. I was free from how Sherman totally compromised my Dell laptop, printer, then another brand new laptop (which I returned, but because of how he compromised the new lap top, Office Depot tried to prevent me from being able to return it) from him compromising my very 1st smart phone - LG ALLY for only 20 days. I made the mistake of adding one of the 2 emails he confiscated from me on my Dell into my new cell and would not be free to use any device I used with technology for almost 3 full years... 6 different addresses, 2 different libraries in MD and followed me somehow when I moved to FL even though I had returned the new lap top for a Lenovo laptop that I kept in the box with a brand new printer and had returned my LG Ally cell for the 4th time right before I moved to FL and the compromising had stopped abruptly on the cell so I thought I would be free when I moved from 'Sherman' - my stalking hacker. Only common link was the carrier - VW - that went with me when I moved to FL. Silly me freaked out thinking it was 'identity theft' after 'Sherman' appeared in April 2010 as a user profile who stole admin rights on my Dell and had corrupted my CD drive and the 1st of 4 printers was also corrupted when I tried to use them to have proof of the 'hacking' that my antivirus was able to generate - if only that's all it had been... Identity theft! Apple senior level just told me last week that I may need to change my social security... Basically my identity after I had explained the extent of what the hacker had done. I was told that once already by someone at best but when they had tried to set up my very first iPad for me and was almost not able to, which they said was a first for them that it took as many attempts as it did to activate it. I was unable to activate from my parents house because that was another address that he had totally taken over the computer, printer and phone trapped their phones too! I fell right into that trap! But hadn't even been there in about a year... How in God's name did he know to be waiting for me there? Hindsights 20/20 > he could hear me in my cell. He even recorded one conversation I had with my sister, Jana, which was mostly about what he had done freaky to me that day and sent out conversation to her LAN answering machine that. That's when I lived in MD still and Jana lived in FL ~ freaky!!
Have had ALL my computers (7), printers (4) & numerous cell phones viciously compromised ever since my Dell literally got hacked into right before my eyes over 2 years ago. I was so blind to the nightmare that I would be subjected to, all because I was in total disbelief to what I was witnessing when my hacker named Sherman was hacking his way & ended up taking total control of my devices - ALL because I was too naive to believe this only happens to other people, NOT ME.